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Fitzpatrick, M., O’Riordan, F., McAvinia, C., O’Sullivan, I., Risquez, A., Keane, M.
Motivations, outcomes and implications of structured professional development for academic developers – a collaborative approach
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This paper reports on the lived experience of six educational developers collaboratively engaging in order to complete the National Forum PACT (Commitment to PD) digital badge. The key motivations, challenges, outcomes and implications of collaborative CPD is explored. While peer observation of teaching is recognised and acknowledged as a way of collaborating on CPD (Gosling & Mason, 2009) in higher education, there is little discussion on anything more than general initiatives completed by individuals on an individual basis. The newly established National Professional Development Framework (2016) within the Irish context provides an exciting opportunity for academics to consider the wider avenues for CPD beyond the formal accredited and unaccredited initiatives and the potential opportunities for collaborative CPD. The focus is on how collaborating in CPD can act as a motivator for individuals to progress their professional development, in a safe and supported way, and can lend itself to an enhanced and sustained CPD experience.
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