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OReilly, M.
3rd Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference Mathematical Transgressions (ISCMT)
From Mathematics to Mathematics Education: It’s another world!
Oral Presentation
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In the context of the merger of his former workplace with Dublin City University, the author has recently made the definitive move from the discipline of mathematics to that of mathematics education. This change of direction, after 35 years of being ‘located’ in mathematics, but gradually engaging more and more with and in the world of mathematics education. This paper outlines the narrative of a journey to this other world, a journey seen through the lenses of Communities of Practice, Narrative Inquiry, Mathematical Identity, History of Mathematics and Mathematics Reform (Irish-style). Although the journey is a personal one, the discussion here attempts to transcend the constraints of the individual and contribute to the quest for enlarging the common ground of mathematics education and mathematics, appreciating more fully what each has to contribute to the other.