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Gurrin C.;Joho H.;Hopfgartner F.;Zhou L.;Albatal R.
SIGIR 2016 - Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
NTCIR lifelog: The first test collection for lifelog research
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Evaluation Information retrieval Lifelog Multimodal Test collection
© 2016 ACM. Test collections have a long history of supporting repeatable and comparable evaluation in Information Retrieval (IR). However, thus far, no shared test collection exists for IR systems that are designed to index and retrieve multimodal lifelog data. In this paper we introduce the first test collection for personal lifelog data, which has been employed for the NTCIR12-Lifelog task. In this paper, the requirements for the test collection are motivated, the process of creating the test collection is described, along with an overview of the test collection. Finally suggestions are given for possible applications of the test collection.
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