Conference Contribution Details
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O'Higgins Norman, J., Fandram, H. and Challenor, L.
17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology
Cyberbullying in Ireland: An examination from execution to resolution
University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
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Cyberbullying in Ireland has increased as technology becomes more available and accessible, with 6.3% in 2007, 20% of 2,790 pupils in 2008 and 22% in 2011. In 2014, among 500 pupils, cyberbullying rates of 6% of 9-10 years, 12.9% among 13-16 years and 9% among 15-16 year olds. This increase in cyberbullying may be due to the growth and the risks technology can pose to mental health, as 25% of victims do not seek support at all. This study will examine current gaps in the ECDP 2015 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th 2015 617 literature, and why do only 25% of victims do not seek help? Researchers suggest fear of dual punishment by a parent when their phone/internet is removed and current methods of support online do not involve any positive interaction for the victim. Research has highlighted the anonymity and free access to the target given to the bully places the victim in a scenario where they feel helpless. Therefore this research will use the Department of Education and Skills; Action Plan on Bullying, created by leading researchers and academics in Ireland and the UK. The plan provides a practical, informative, practical resource for schools in Ireland. The Action Plan on Bullying will be examined during qualitative interviews with parents, teachers and principals, identifying its use, practitioner knowledge and attitudes, and how it is utilised. This research will identify how coping strategies highlighted by Professor O’Moore are used by victims, if they are indeed present. Over several phases this research will use a mixed methods design, utilising quantitative and qualitative measures. A sample of 1000 secondary school pupils for quantitative analysis and a further 10 individual cyberbullying cases for qualitative case study analysis using interviews. This research will present the current literature, methodology and any quantitative findings of cyberbullying in second level education in Ireland.
Anti-Bullying Centre DCU