Conference Publication Details
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He Y.;Ma Y.;Roturier J.;Way A.;Van Genabith J.
AMTA 2010 - 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
Improving the post-editing experience using translation recommendation: A user study
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We report findings from a user study with professional post-editors using a translation recommendation framework (He et al., 2010) to integrate Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) output with Translation Memory (TM) systems. The framework recommends SMT outputs to a TM user when it predicts that SMT outputs are more suitable for post- editing than the hits provided by the TM. We analyze the effectiveness of the model as well as the reaction of potential users. Based on the performance statistics and the users' comments, we find that translation recom- mendation can reduce the workload of pro- fessional post-editors and improve the accep- tance of MT in the localization industry.
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